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Sep 2018
I’m not checking his Instagram again
Not another time
He has liked other people’s posts
There’s nothing special with mine

We’re not thinking about him
At least we try not to show it
But it doesn’t get easy
You and I both know it

My mum and friends are against it
Again I’m out of my mind
It’s not that he’s bad
It’s just that I’m not like that in his eyes

Next time I walk past him I’ll try not to think
Of the million butterflies that I get near him
Next time I walk past him
I will be prepared
Not run away, not even be scared

Next time, I’ll just forget
That he makes me feel some kind of way
Next time, I’ll forget,
That only he can burn my brain cells in the sweetest possible way

So goodbye my dear
Goodbye to my infatuation
Goodbye to what we could never be
Goodbye to my imagination
Just some ranting about my crush who I’m trying to move on from. *insert loads of sarcasm HOORAYYY
Written by
Maria  14/Cisgender Female/VIC
(14/Cisgender Female/VIC)   
       Syd, nini, Fawn, Pradip Chattopadhyay, mario and 3 others
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