I’d be honored to have the chance to see a glimpse of your soul.
That’s the greatest honor anyone could give me and I hope that you don’t regret it when you do.
I say this to myself often and at this point, I’m not even sure if it’s true, but I know I must believe it...
I’m a mess.
When I say “I’m a mess” what I really mean is my emotions control me WAY more than I control them.
Give me some credit... I’m working on that.
But I will promise you something... Just like I wear my emotions like clothing for everyone to see, I also don’t shy away from showing my heart. My heart is yours to see. My heart is everyone’s to see. I wear THAT with dignity.
My body... not so much, but that’s another thing I’m working on.
So here’s the nitty gritty stuff!
My fears often get in the way. What are these fears that I speak of? Why, let me explain: -Loneliness -Loneliness And more -Loneliness
I get insecure. That’s the fact of the matter.
It’s not that I’ve been in a lot of relationships, nothing official, but I have felt my fair share of heartbreak- And I say that’s something I’m not afraid of but come on, everyone can see through my sloppy lies.
It’s a valid fear.
People don’t realize just how fragile a heart can be.
It’s not their faults. They haven’t witnessed real love before. It’s a foreign concept.
In conclusion- I am a mess, but I am a mess that will show you what the word ραѕѕισn truly means. I will show you what it means to give yourself to someone and not expect anything in return.