On the horizon I see the clouds above the breaking daysky and dark arcs of rain pouring down soaking soil. These great open spaces invite my spirit to be free to fly and join the source of all thunder and this gray dawn.
In these times where time vanishes I sink into Earth like the rains where there are no horizons or division of land from sky.
I am grateful for being an earthling despite the desperate tiredness in my leg and calf muscles and the aching in my joints and back at day’s end.
The gift of sleep sneaked into me in the darkness and peace of night and there in my dreams I became a being of imagining a me in fear and sadness on the brink of courage and in my drift across the slumbering sea I find beings familiar and different at the same time men fulfilling possibilities beyond their imagining, men becoming.
So here I am drifting into consciousness on the melody of an Indian flute and field lark songs into another day where this old me again becomes an earthling.