That’s how long you’ll be away. You leave today actually, maybe in the next 6 or 7 hours. You’ll be saying goodbye to your family and your home and I will be here.
I haven’t seen you since last Sunday’s church service and I think I won’t see you until these months are over.
To tell you the truth Baer, I’m scared of being by myself for that long. Most days you’re the sister I met too late, and I do and don’t wish we met sooner, but as for right now that’s not a big deal.
So I’ll count the hours in 6 months. 4380 of them to be exact.
I’ll get through how I can, if I can.
You remember what you said to me before I left the church that morning?
“Call me, text me, I’ll make time for you.”
It still seems funny that you’ll make time for me like I’m incredibly important or something.
I still haven’t even texted you. Part of me believes you’re too busy for me to barge in.
But I will wait out these hours. That’s something I can do.