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Aug 2018
There is a scar on my heart,
from when you crashed into me
and cut it wide open.
Don't mistake, it wasn't broken.
Simply just open.
And you stared at me
with your deep brown eyes
lashes long like spider silk
and i thought to myself
'boys shouldn't have lashes that long.'
'it makes them too beautiful'
'boy shouldn't be that beautiful'
And i remember when i cried,
and you hugged me
you didnt hug anyone
but we were alone,
and no one could've seen.
I remember your thumb drawing circles
and i forgot i was supposed to be crying
because that **** thumb
was driving my nervous system
into a wreckage of anxiety
and love.
I remember you painting
something from your video game
you were happy that day
and we mucked around.
You splattered paint across my
good white schoolshirt
I had to throw it out.
but I didn't,
because it was you
it was us
before you left anyways.

So i finally threw it out,
the last remnant of our
time together.
the final piece of memorabilia.
I don't think you'll care but
I thought you should know.
Written by
Dev  19/F/Australia
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