Make the most of life they cry - The years are simply flashing by! You must live it to the full, they say, Do not settle for a bland halfway.
Don’t worry too much what you eat Or if your house is always neat Nor if your hair’s not is at its best And you aren’t always smartly dressed.
Fret not in the face of others’ wealth, Be thankful if you’re in good health. Take the high road if you dare - For you will find adventures there.
Be honest, joyful, never judge, Always forget to hold a grudge Avoid tales of woe and bitter gloom Embrace the promise of hope’s perfume.
Enjoy simple pleasures, shun dismay, Keep anger and impatience well at bay. Do not feel you must conform With the prevailing, accepted social norm.
Don’t be afraid to waste some time - Relaxation is not a crime. And it may be considered immeasurably wise To enjoy the odd, unplanned surprise.
Spend time with friends; family too Without letting them dictate your point of view. Ward off long arguments and altercations, Consider lowering your expectations.
Exercise willpower without being too tough, Reasonable self-discipline is quite enough Incorporate enjoyment into your routine You’re not just a work-eat-sleep machine.
For this short life, so full of care, You can live it anywhere. Rich or poor, old or young Make it resonate with joy and fun.
Follow the advice of a wise old man; “Laugh out loud as oft you can, Aspire to go out on a high For it won’t be long before you die!”