Freed from the blackness that fills my nights Awoken from the nightmares plaguing my mind For a short stretch only to receive a brief taste Holding on for I know she must make haste
Like the foggy windows on a summers night So have I felt the warmth of another Never wanting to leave her comfort Never wanting to see the light
Like roses at the peak of their bloom Only to enjoy briefly till death ensues Withered away and dying as they are So am I breaking as we have to part
Joy is a bitter taste For it never stays to long You hold on until you are unable Until it leaves you withdrawn
Am I but just another face Another notch upon your bed Scattered amongst the crowd Overlooked and overdrawn
For if I know what is true But I wish it were a lie To face another second As I feel my dreams die
On my own I must go For you’ve taken to much What I wish I would receive I only gave to another