Stepping to the spotlight, you know that this is the moment of truth when all eyes on you you have to show them all the hours you’ve been practicing, rehearsing, and perfecting every inch of the moves
Close your eyes and breathe in deeply as the music starts to beat and the crowd starts to cheer no more fear, no more shame, no more turning back, and let yourself express the inner you right here, on stage
Feel the energy as you never stop moving to feed the hungry eyes this is what makes you feel crazy, feel proud, feel alive, and let them fuel you to be the best of you and conquer your stage
Gather around and bow down as the crowd gives the final cheer, the standing ovation, the satisfied looks, and celebrate the moment of triumph after the performance of once in a lifetime
Jakarta, February 16th 2015 Written on Jakarta, July 17th 2018
Inspired by The Greatest Showman and a performance I once did in the last year of high school.