A piece of glass in between a frame, Whatever is put in front, it will reflect the same; The only object that tells no lies, Can be of any length, shape, or size; People spend hours in front of it, expecting a tale, Some even expect it to shower compliments, but to no avail; It is an everyday object that is not thought about twice, Used mainly to check the curvature of one’s belly after consuming too much rice; Also, a handy object to re check your blush, So that you know it looks perfect while you walk past your crush; Some people stare at themselves all day long, Sometimes creating their own problems despite nothing being wrong; Fear the mirror, because it contains a certain lust, For it will keep you standing there till you’re covered in dust; Use it as a simple tool to appreciate what is real, Refrain from only looking at it to admire your physical appeal; For if you use it as the Evil Queen’s ‘Magic Mirror on the Wall’, You will definitely be engulfed by jealousy’s call…