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Jun 2018
i was a chest of treasures
and you opened me up and unpacked all the drawers
you took out the stories
you admired the knick knacks with fervent curiosity
and unveiled long-forgotten images of times past.

you showed your friends
and you called your mother to tell her what you found inside
"marvelous things"
that's what you called them.
you told people on the street about your treasure chest.
some thought you were crazy, but you didn't care.

you kept that treasure chest close
you were fond of it and opened it often
and you believed with the strongest conviction that it would continue to surprise you.

you appreciated its exterior, with its warped wood and rusted metal,
and how even covered in scratches it functioned as a vessel for something good.

when others found treasure chests too,
you didn't bat an eye.
because your treasure chest was trusted, strong and always by your side.
about someone I haven't met  yet
Maggie Morris
Written by
Maggie Morris  21/F/Washington, DC
(21/F/Washington, DC)   
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