How could I let myself fall for you. For your sweet smile. For your cold blue eyes For your laugh. That laugh that sounded like heaven.
How could I let myself fall for that sweet talk. For the taste of your lips. For the way you smelled like lavender and cigarettes. For the way you gripped me when we hugged. For the way your warm lips felt against my cold skin.
How could I let myself fall for you. For your stupid jokes. For your strangeness.
How could I be so blind. I didn't see the real you. I was blinded by your mask of purity.
You were a villain disguised as a hero.
You stole my heart and left me to bleed. You watched as I cru m bl e d. You didn't care...
Not about me at least.
How could I be so foolish to think you were the one. My one.
How could I...
How could you.
How could you play me for the fool I am. The fool I was.
How could we think we would last. How could I. How...