I used to never want to draw, now all I scribble is your face.
I used to write sad poetry, now I spit love poem after love poem like a copy machine.
I used to hate the smell of coffee, now I go to my local coffee shop everyday, just to wrap my fingers around a warm cup, wishing it was your hand instead.
I used to not care about wine, now all I drink is Sangiovese, pretending I'm sitting with you on your family's winery.
I used to drink for fun, now alcohol has become my drug so I can try to blur the image of you.
I used to sleep peacefully, Now I have to take a sleeping pill so I don't lay awake thinking about you; too bad you still appear in my dreams.
I used to have my anxiety in control, now my chest tightens and I get an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I see you.
I used to not even look at your face, now your face is all I search for every time I'm going places.
I used to be laid back, now I've become an overly obsessed maniac making sure you're not someone else's.
I used to be myself, now I'm not sure who I am anymore.