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Hi people
May 2018
A vent of bottled up emotions
It was New Years Eve
I messaged you
Saying my depression was rearing its ugly head once more
And then you messaged me
You said you were sad too
Your family was telling you to move out again
Saying you're a worthless 13-year-old
That you're nothing
And no help
I told you that I wanted to take you away from there
And you said that you'd like that
And we continued talking about our feelings
How we felt
How you are wanted
Even if you don't believe it
You wished you could restart
Reset your life, you said
Do everything over again
I tried consoling you
But you kept contradicting me
Said that you didn't want to hurt anyone
You said you felt empty
I said that I feel the same
You said you felt nothing
I suppose I should have understood then
You said you felt nothing
I should have realized that included me too
You wanted to ask me something
I said go ahead
You said it would hurt me
It should have been obvious
I said I didn't care
I said if it meant you feeling better
You should hurt me
You started backing out
I kept telling you to ask me
I kept pushing you
You first asked if my feelings were different towards you
I said of course
My feelings only grew stronger
You told me
That that was a problem
I didn't understand
You told me you felt different
I said I'd help you
You told me that I wouldn't understand
I said I'd try, learn, support you
You became unsure
Said it was destroying you
But it would hurt me
You didn't want to hurt me
But I kept pushing
I said that I had been hurt many times
That I'd get over it quickly
I was so wrong
You said it would take me a really long time
Years, even
You were so right
You asked me to guess
I wasn't correct
You kept saying it would hurt me
That you didn't want to
You didn't want to hurt me
But I begged you
Telling you to hurt me, demanding it
You said you didn't want to
I gave in
Saying that I wouldn't push you anymore
You said that you didn't know
I tried making a joke
Because that's what I do
And you finally told me the thing
You said you just wanted to be friends
That you needed to be alone for a while
I remember tears
I remember shaking hands typing calm words
Trying to be as composed as possible
Said okay
I kept my word
Supported this decision
I guess you bought my act
I told our friends
They were all calm
Said okay
Moved on
So did you
But I didn't
You were right
I am hurting
But I am not going to say anything
I remember crying
Going downstairs to eat
Seeing my aunt with her boyfriend
Putting on a smile
Laughing when I was supposed to
Watching the New Years kisses
Messaging my cousin
Facetiming for a bit
Messaging my mom
Talking to my sister
Getting in bed
Not sleeping
Opting for crying instead
Spending the rest of the break losing sleep
Crying some more
Seeing you on my birthday to see a movie
As friends
Popcorn, hands meeting
As friends
Walking you to your front door afterwards
Awkwardly hugging
Leaving not even pretending to smile
Pity from my mom
Until she grew tired of it
Started telling me to be happier
So I keep pretending
Even now
Although I talked about it a bit with our friends
I remember the feeling I get when someone mentions you
A sort of longing
A tugging in my gut, reaching for something
Reaching for you
Not getting you
Watching you from across the cafeteria
Wanting to force you back into my life
But never being able to
I remember a dream I had
I was on a date
And you were playing the piano at the back of the restaraunt
And you were jealous
And I was happy
Because finally
After all these months you finally show signs of caring
But it was just a dream
And I just want you even more
But I'll never have you
And it's my fault
This person broke up with me around 5 months ago. I haven't figured out how to deal with my emotions. Nor how to talk to people about them.
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