Some days I think I should just give up and be a housewife. Marry a rich man. Have lavish friends. Be that person. Because I know I won't be the person I want to be. I won't reach my dreams. I dream too big. But then strangers come along. This one told me to let people doubt me. Let them see my failures. Don’t act like I know what I’m doing if I don’t. “Because that’s the kind of person that kills people.” Instead, “Let them doubt you. Learn when you don’t know. And when you have learned; Prove it. Show them your paycheck. And buy them a **** drink. Because you're a woman, you’ll be doubted even more - So buy them another.” That same day, I was talking to another stranger. He asked how I got into such a prestigious school. I said because of my background in robotics and their lack of females. He corrected me, even though he doesn’t know me. “Don’t think it’s because you’re a girl. It’s because they saw how special you are.” It’s people like this, that gives me a little more faith.
Thank you, strangers, for giving me the hope I needed.