Hadn't I said that we would abruptly meet? It was the gift of the cravings I got before. I felt that life was just only a moment When I embraced you with my eyes afar.
I got how insanely I yearned for you As I madly began to shiver so hard. Even yet I can feel that excitement Which makes my feelings and mind drift apart
With the eristic lacks which I always had I could not be consoled, it's my nature. Before you helped me retrieve my peaceful shelter, I had been wandering as a homeless creature.
Home is not a place like a cot or as a nest, Home is where you feel yourself during the day And you have become my restful, cheerful home Where you're rarely seen as a houseguest
Just lend an ear to my lovesick missing, It is inviting you heartily and gently. I am hospitable, you also feel at home, Please, pay a visit very frequently.