A blinding flash. I cover my ears as my teeth gnash. A wave of destruction, moving towards me. There’s nothing to do; I get washed away in the sea.
My eyes open. My thoughts, unspoken. I dress to cleanse my distress.
The big day is here. My turn is near. People, standing in front of the class. Giving presentations; I won’t last.
My leg starts bobbing up and down at a rapid pace. I can’t do this. I’ll be a disgrace. My name is called, my fate inescapable. I march to the front of the room, my ability incapable.
Breathe in. Breathe out. I have to rid myself of this doubt. I speak, my voice quiet, almost inaudible. Great, this presentation is already horrible.
But time passes, and my voice is raised. People’s eyes widen, they’re clearly amazed. My voice carries weight, setting a tone. Darkness clouds the room; this place is my own.
I’m done running. My feelings overflow. And without warning, I explode. Everyone is silent. My fate left unclear. But, amid the silence, comes a single cheer.