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Lau Bowcock
Apr 2018
Asphalt Over Battlegrounds
All the ghosts / who never sinned
Are gossiping up in heaven again
They say Michael has been visiting Lucifer’s wings again
They say it’s the anniversary / it’s a spring ritual
From when Michael cast off his own dark parts
And Lucifer abandoned his angel wings
The grave / in modern day / is now half lit by the Denny’s open sign
Buzzing like neon only half the lights are broken
And Michael himself
Is half shadowed by his cigarette / he tells himself he’s not sinning
Because this drug isn’t against the law / and he can’t ever **** himself
The drag pulls at the place humans have hearts
And it hurts like a flaming sword
His hand hasn’t stopped shaking / by the time he breathes all the tar out
He breathes out again and again / like there might still be smoke in his lungs
And is he wrong?
All the humans / who were sinning when lucifer fell
Were gossiping on earth
And Michael’s hearing the story again / through the ***** Denny’s window
Some kid who lives off / ego / drugs / and subreddit pages
Tells another around a mouthful of pancakes
“When Lucifer fell he cried and his tears scared his face,”
And Michael who couldn’t watch then / doesn’t know if this rumor is true now
And the other kid in the booth / thinks the boy is a philosophical genius
Just grins around his own pancakes and drugs / says “everything tastes like chalk.”
Michael’s stuck on asphalt
Digging his toes hard into his shoes and / his whole foot lays flat pushing into the ground
But he wants to take his own head off
To let it spin away
Or maybe he just needs to lose pieces of himself / let the roses blooming beneath the skin
Cut away at the bone until he’s bleeding enough to be mortal
And sit with the two kids who don’t know themselves
Written by
Lau Bowcock
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