heart aching it's bleeding love gushing out shining onto future faces that I have not yet met
I want to teach them make them smile tears wash down my face at the thought of them crying at thoughts of them drowning in sorrow in them needed guidance direction anything to help them not fall in
My chest seizes tension as I imagine them singing laughing at jokes smiling with pride at each success each trophy and red triangular letter that they knew they could earn
I want to run to them, I want to hug them let my heart bleed out and fill theirs to the brim to let my pain wash over them in love till all feel only happiness and there are no more tears to shed
but for them i will wait for them i will live with the pain the pain that they are not yet mine i will build up my arsenal of caring skills so that when i draw the map to perfection i Will not lead them off course
for them I will wait with pain in my heart because I know one day they will be mine and they will never forget their teacher with the bleeding heart
I want to teach middle schoolers with my whole being, but I will finish college before I trust myself to lead and to teach them right.