Outside, a gale is blowing You tell yourself, "I'm safe in here" When you know you're leaving tomorrow Find yourself wondering, Will it be a breath of Fresh air at last? Or will it just be Another attack on your lungs, Another series of spasms in your arms In your legs, In 5 hours of being trapped In a white metal box Will you be as fine as you have over the years? Or will you break As you did only Days ago? Breathe deep before closing your eyes See, again, procrastinating to sleep Just to trick youreslf into Thinking the morning's come slower A blue fan covered in flowers A keychain with a silver skull You've never had a problem With being in your own world But what happens if They take you out Put you In the spotlight When you're busy hiding behind a book Coz you don't mind attention When you're dressed for the stage But lately, you've been dragged to performances In your PJ's And people wonder why you start panicking People wonder why you got nothing to say People think, "What do you mean, you're not ready? - "Aren't you supposed to be the confident one?"
The thing about feigning confidence all the time is people don't believe you when you start having huge problems with anxiety.