You kissed him when I left his lips That oversight on your part, that blunder that causal touch when you held on to him was when I traced myself across your fingers.
That mistake stayed and so did I Seeping into your skin, forming a tether finding a way to bury myself in your clothes till your scent and I would be together.
At first, you would shy away hiding that touch from everyone else but me you knew I stayed behind with you yet you were afraid to let them see.
Before you knew it, you started to crave a parched throat lingering for that kiss of rain sneaking out in the middle of the night to have me caress your hair all over again.
You took me places where I'd never been starting from the outside, working my way in slowly but surely, with each baited breath you showed me your depths when I couldn't swim.
They saw us together and spewed hate they didn't know we had just each other they saw the fire, the warning signs, the flares you were mine as I was yours, we were lovers.
Years went by and we stood strong craving each other, meeting in places my scent never left your fingers carried around in pockets, in cases.
Tragedy struck when you said no more I knew you lied to me, and to yourself you said that enough is enough it's time to let me go, to be myself.
Yet you came back to me every night hiding with me once again in secret my scent still lingered on your fingers a romance renewed, I couldn't believe it.
Caught on the wrong side of the fence that day you said it was the last time you'd see me my heart broke as you threw your cases away I didn't know without you, what could I be.
I see your face again from time to time I know you miss my scent on your fingers I see you when you walk past me and my lovers after all, I'm just a cigarette smoke meant to linger.