hearts are interesting and complex they are so simple to the naked eye, barely strong enough to cause a faint thump against your rib cage they are fragile and delicate muscles, weakened as you age one forceful hit, one good slice and they are gone bleeding what seems like an endless stream of crimson tears from the **** how can one thing keep someone so worthless alive without it i could easily move on, pretend you never harmed me or wronged the people i love if i carved out the space with a sliver knife and tear stained cheeks would you ever begin to feel sorry for what you have done perhaps the key to living and forgetting is to become the heartless one never remember the past and pretend to be fine until something strikes a heartstring and sets off a hurricane of spiraling memories all filled with terrible events i wish it were that easy i wish i could forget, carve out my heart and lock it away, keeping it hidden drain my mind or any remembrance of you or what you have done, but i can't i cant scrub away the mark you have burned into my flesh i can not rid myself of your presenceΒ why must you exist why must i bother trying any longer than i already have if i die, who is to say anyone will notice