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Mar 2018
She may not know the depth of my feelings, how could she, I have not spoken of it.

Words unspoken have no real meaning,

Yes you asked her to be your wife but so what of it!
Every moment is our only life, so we must make the most of it!

You know when you smile she smiles right back, so ****** smile more!
You know a kiss means so much to her, so what are you waiting for!

I guess I just want to see you both so happy,
considering you are me.
We never want to take her for granted ma’lad, because with her true love I see.

Now I have been waiting here for far too long for us to go mess it up,
I know you love her too my boy, so let’s take the bar and raise it up!

Now I’ll be right here for you to answer to, if you don’t give her our very best,
Because I am our best, that she brings out, and love is our special guest.

By Jimmy
JD Leishman
Written by
JD Leishman  28/M/Melbourne, Australia
(28/M/Melbourne, Australia)   
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