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Mar 2018
Truth lies beneath your warm smile
that as time passed by
you've learned that in order to survive
you have to suffocate yourself with lies
telling you are loved
you are cared
you are blinded by hallucinations
you went to a place you called paradise
and filter your pain with i'm alright
in reality you are long dead
your soul is broken into pieces and shattered on the floor
bathe in your own tears
you wanted to tell the truth
you wanted not to hide
you wanted to tell them that you are suffering from anxiety, loneliness every night
that as she shut the door and saidΒ Β Sleep tight
you took a blade and slits your beautiful skin and rest with tears in your eyes
you tried to hide your wounds with a smile and telling everybody you're fine
Written by
Miseria  18/F
       ---, Parker, Glassmuncher, Angelo A, gooliyyer and 2 others
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