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Mar 2018


When the boulder was lifted,
Pandemonium started.
Everyone, in a flurry-
The usually slow flow
Of movements.
Now done in haste:
Moving out
Moving in
Moving shelter
Moving food supply
Everyone has to hurry
shouts in every corner.
Still, peace is kept
In their lined activities
Though, getting hurt is inevitable.
How could there be so much
Hope and patience,
When soon enough,
Another boulder would be lifted?
Demolition is nearing,
Construction would soon be starting,
Desolation, all is expecting,
Still, they move on,
They live on.
We, could learn so much from
These industrious, persevering living beings.
They are brimming with wisdom,
These tiny,
Slow-moving, fellow creatures,


Copyright November 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(A repost from 2013...edited a bit.)
Sally A Bayan
Written by
Sally A Bayan  F/Manila, Philippines
(F/Manila, Philippines)   
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