Old habits of another life, Constantly creep in Polluting my soul with its strife
Do I deserve love? Am I worthy? These questions that forever haunt me Feeling numb has no judge, has no query
An emotionally joust within my own mind To open my heart I must step away from These walls I hide behind
There is a comfort in loneliness A sanctuary from feeling Where time is of no consequence No desire to smile or take a chance Never wanting to laugh or dance
But existing without living Isn't living at all To never risk being hurt or taking a fall
Risk, reward is an equation that's answer is steep Balancing protecting your feelings over the treasures you may reap
These are the demons I face everyday And the constant fight not to drink them away
The battle is both inside and out Ulcers and anguish are it's trophies Time to put down the bottle And face life like a man Not with shots of tequila and pulls from a can
Time to plunge into the unknown of what could be Embrace the love that's in front of me Free fall backwards into her radiant clutches Stand on my feet withoutΒ inebriated crutches