There's one true blessing in this world which comes from the Lord. So verily I say to you brethren It's not your children but the gift of life. Without it, you can't take a wife who will call you honey neither can you earn any money.
Remember a dead man is a lifeless man. He can't spend neither can he lend to buy a piece of land or give a friend a hand.
Without the precious gift of life A man can't use a butter knife or go running in the morning to enjoy the sun and have some fun.
Without the precious gift of life a rich man can't enjoy himself or go on an exotic vacation and take a swim in the ocean with his easter bunny and have dinner in the evening.
A dead man can't talk neither can he take a walk for a couple of miles or flash his teeth when he smiles. He can't take a shower at any given hour. He can't admire nature's beauty, walk around his property with an air of authority.