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Feb 2018
I have a secret which feels so wrong.
There's this very beautiful lady
Who sends me photos in her thong
Morning and night, every day.
Her salutations comes via text
I haven't yet the courage to reply,
To ignore her makes me really vex.
This is reversion, a deadly play
With unknown consequences,
What do I do, how long can I resist?
I see not far through these righteous lenses
Yet without these secret messages, I cant Exist!
I caught myself secretly praying for her to stop
Another part of me doesn't want to let her go,
Maybe I can intentionally let the phone drop,
Or find a bourbon and drown my ***** ego.
Even that will not help change a **** thing
For I will still wake up to the daunting reality
Of the dilemma that has changed everything
Which is my deep little secret with this thong lady.

Fictional...just going beyond the norms, letting my poetic demon lead me into unchartered territories.
Ivan Brooks Sr
Written by
Ivan Brooks Sr  50/M/Norway
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