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Feb 2018
Life with you.
It's bitter sweet.
Sweet bitter I should say.
Because it's a cycle.
One that I can never predict.
Maybe because when its good.
It's amazing.
The *** is unforgettable.
The talks are indescribable.
The love is untouchable.
But there are days.
When it gets touched.  
When our talks are rough.
When *** is absent.
Those days.
Are the ones I see more.
More than your smile.
More than your bliss.
More than your love.
But more than see.
I feel it.
Pushing down on my head.
On my heart.
Pounding away.
With every ill word.
Every childish fight.
Every let down.
As if I'm a nail.
With you being the hammer.
& all you do.
Is bang away.
Until I'm deep into the wall.
& not your heart.
Which means when its bad.
It's horrible.
I'm left wanting & wishing.
For you to just relax.
& let your pride go.
For you to just understand.
That you fighting with me.
Is what's going to **** us.
That you getting jealous.
Is what will destroy us.
Because I can't keep going through it.
I can't keep taking your ****.
I won't.
Because i'll only go so far.
There is only so much.
That I can take.
I'm not made of steel.
I can break.
I can feel tired.
From all the yelling.
From all the lies.
From all the pain.
Exhausted even.
Because after awhile.
You just want to sleep.
& have the days pass you by.
Until the bad turns to good.
Bitter to become sweet.
Exhausted to become well rested.
But most of all.
To get pulled from the wall.
& back to your heart.
Written by
Douglas Goins  30/M/Florida
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