L-ove of my life I-s a S-ong T-hat plays on in my E-ars and head, without end N-othing else is
H-eard...or felt E-xcept that sound....its fragrant A-ir...moist with mist...a caress on my face, R-enewing my strength, with its T-unes, so sweet.........this song,
I-nsists...it wants me to feel its energy...a T-ender touch on my S-kin, that clothes my whole being...like a
V-estment...with warmth reassuring...that of an A-ngel.....with a haloed collar, bright...to guide, to L-ight my way...my view...my heart, here on E-arth...each day..........don't fail me, my love, i am N-eeding...when you are nowhere...but when we're T-ogether.....nothing, no one else exists between us...for I-n the space within your arms...i am home N-urtured...by your E-ndless flow of verses....i am cuddled...i am S-hielded..........in my dreams, you have no
D-eath...and so, i, too, have no death...i am kept A-live........undying........sustained by Y-our breaths of love, through your poetry <3