Stay with me tonight Lying down on the sand While waves come and go And the evening winds blow The moon looking bright And the stars blanketing the sky The bonfire crackling slowly Bringing warmth to our bodies While you and I remain Tangled in an embrace Stealing kisses in between You within my loving arms Looking so precious to me With your eyes twinkling From the light of the dancing fires And as you look up It reflects the vast starry sky Like a window to another plane Another universe within you It gets my mind thinking How I want to know Every single fact about you Every single truth you know And how I came to fall for you
I want you To stay in my embrace To kiss me gently As I crave for more of you In a cool tropical night Drunk with each other's desire Like its our last night together Drowned in your beauty Which turns me into a beast As the night grows torrid And my brain feels melted From being touched by you I want my every day And every night In this place And at this time With no worries Just with you Just like this For the rest of our lives