Love is defined in the dictionary as an intense feeling of deep affection. Now, not only do I agree with that but to me, love is also accepting the other person as they are and not asking them to be someone else. I don't mean that people in love can't ask each other to change in minor ways, but love, to me, means being able to accept who the other person really is. When you are truly in love with a person, you are free to really be yourself without worrying that the other person is judging you and being critical of you. Itβs also based on the relationship because there are different types of love. For example, love between a man and woman (or romantic couple) differs from the love between a parent and child. However, in the romantic sense, I think the meaning of love is that which makes you whole. Not to sound cheesy, but if the person makes you realize the good things about your life and the world, then it's love. Love is when you feel comfortable enough with someone to speak your mind freely and you can become selfless for them, in some ways, love is having your best friend as your partner. Love can also be with things, you can love food, like me, because it makes you feel good. Love basically makes you feel good, about yourself, about others, and about your relationships. To love is the law of life itself, its one of the most sublime actions that a human being is capable of. Love is the messiest, stupidest, most beautiful thing ever created. It's so easy to fall in love and very difficult to get out of it. You know it's there because there is this warm little fire inside of you that erupts when you see them. You feel it in your bones, in your heart, in your hands, you feel it in your legs, in your lips and fingertips, you feel it all over and it squeezes your heart. Love is so hot it makes you sweat. It makes you shake. It keeps you up at night. It makes you want to be with them all the time. But Love is powerful. It gets to your head and drives you crazy. It hurts. It makes you cry. It's loud arguments. It's drinking away the pain. It's apologizing. It's make-ups and break-ups. It's running through an airport for one last goodbye. It's sunrises and sunsets. It's late night calls and good morning texts. It's flowers delivered to you. It's remembering birthdays and anniversaries. It's sharing a routine because you're one now. It's starting over and over because love, at first sight, is true. It's adventure. It's mystery and secrets shared. It's inside jokes. It's timeless beauty. It's acceptance. Love is absolutely unconditional. No matter what day or time, no matter what year, no matter who's who, love is the strongest most powerful thing ever, so be careful, it can destroy you.