The Harbour quakes as we break your Boom, The Nemesis Sails-Harbinger of doom, A New Chapter - the Sly Celt Raptor, Bain **** proceed us-Scream in rapture As The Bodhran shakes your eardrums shatter, Lightning rakes- your defences Scatter,
It's raiding season!-Take your Oars!, Boats filled to the brim with Ores and ****** our targets-fat Merchants waddle, Crimson seas as the Forces Battle
The Morrigan Swaddles our mind with the caul (call) no Mercy asked(None Given!) SLAY ALL Widows scream as they're dragged to the Ship Towns burn to ash in our wake as we rip, A Blood red Swathe Through the Dawn in the east, As the Nemesis Sails,The Harbinger Feasts...
This is the second of "The Nemesis Tales" (Number one is just called The Nemesis and is up here) a Serial tale based around a Demon Ship called somewhat obviously The Nemesis, there will be blood!