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Jan 2018
Handing a blank slate
The Divine proclaimed...

"Go off to the realm of Earth
to construct a lifetime
as your heart plays song of love.

Feel the oneness,
as you connect to the magic.
As you decloak false chatter of ego
and feel light and love.

Experiences will be fuel.
Feeling your compass.
Wisdom shall flow.
Gifts will arise.
And wind shall provide hug
to ground.

Thusly, the stage will be your’s
to dance, run, cry, and laugh,
holding a pen in hand.

Do look yonder
won't you to the blessings
and to the visions you create
making moments worthy to scribe
as a poet you be.

A poet you be.”
Mongi supplied word blank slate and this poem was born.
Star BG
Written by
Star BG  66/F/New York
(66/F/New York)   
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