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Dec 2017
The scales glistened, the slitted eyes seemed magic.
It slithered and circled me but I had not noticed, not while
Then before I knew it, it had spiraled around my thoughts and the panic set.
Squeezing tighter and tighter around my mind.
It moves slowly around my neck, lungs, and chest.
Constricting harder and harder.
Moving in and out of my body trying to suffocate me completely.
I couldn't do anything but have my head be crushed in the pain.

I see the long, thin fangs
sink into my brain,
affecting every little part of my nervous system.
Poisoning every good thought I might have had.
Poison rotting my consciousness.
The venom slowly numbing everything.
Flowing through me
Until it becomes so dark that I am no longer even myself.

The real me has moved somewhere to the back of my mind, screaming while imprisoned,
as I watch myself die.
Anxiety, not fun.
Chelsea Rae
Written by
Chelsea Rae  ut
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