Kissing a rose is such an innocent boy who is not aware at all he's a picture gone and dead in India of dusty plants and streets i miss the pointless activity it produced so much of what you want oh universe i've bled you a book gold on the hoof creation is its own reward pity the alarm clock slaves the t.v. slaves society slaves those who want and want yet do not have what they want and want seems new when its you but its almost as old as rock maybe even that is what rock is excreted mind getting cold space is the place of chaos and fractals are what we are perhaps if the door opens we'll see a little hamster running on a treadmill look in the mirror at your furry face but heh if you earn enough dough to buy apple pie a la mode move those little legs baby faster is better if that's your bag you're holding the key to every door is right here all the time it feels good to be a doorman open wide and run like hell works for some but i'm a walker with pointed teeth crawling inside a haunted tree saw it saw you see you used to hate you cuz you showed me myself not a perfect me in not a perfect world imperfections everywhere all the time part of the view not all of it do i deny south by looking north no but if i needed to go south i need to go for it okay but till then north is cool just point the brain and it automatically does the rest if its working right that is right to live right to breath for now gone any second maybe if i work hard enough or yell loud enough or drink shoot-up pop smoke enough crack i won't notice when it happens