I needed something to hold onto And maybe you weren't as sturdy as I had hoped for, But you were in front of me Some sort of rope to hold the universe together You were the wrong kind of thread One shouldn't use twine to sew skin
I remember the night I rushed home That road looked like an oil slick Halfway there, I hoped I could melt into the pavement, As if mermaids could swim in asphalt The emergency was that you had run out of cigarettes I was a graduate student, out of money and out of place And you were exactly like a hurricane
At some point I was so tired it didn't matter I would have kissed anyone
There are so many broken windows And we're Fine We're dancing around the word because neither of us will say it We promised to be honest in this relationship But you have PTSD and I have to move on with my life
I have long brown hair and green blue eyes I didn't realize I had blacked out until I noticed my reflection was in a hospital instrument and I was in a hospital gown They call them gowns for a reason I imagined you pulling me out of that cot and holding me up as we danced in the crowded emergency room hallway But you weren't there when I came around Or when they performed my exam Or when I signed my discharge papers You showed up only when you felt too guilty to send a taxi I remembered the days I drove that car And slipped into a dream where I was behind the wheel
We crashed
Meant to be read as both six separate stories and as one. Please comment :)