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Nov 2017
Dear whomever may come across this,

It is a cold November night,
I have no idea what tomorrow holds, and honestly I do not want to anymore.
There is nothing that can slow my mind,
Not even the coldest of winds next to a burning fire.

I wish I could tell you that your ship won’t be destroyed,
I am afraid I would be lying if I said it won’t be ruined at times.
There will be nights of torrential waves and lightning that seem like they will never end,
The water will rush over your head and make you drown in your own pain.

You will see all the thoughts and memories that haunt you for the rest of your life,
And you will see the moments and times that you cherish.
You will regret taking them for granted and wish you evaporate into the night sky,
But please my beloved, do not give your life away and wish to die.

This may be a dark open letter, but I hope that this makes you feel a little better,
Because I know how dark this time is, I know the shadows all too well.
There will never be anything that could be worse than this it seems,
But believe me, there’s an even darker place below these tides.

I know the shadows speak to you as if they have control over you,
And maybe they do.
I don’t know why the darkness over,
If only I knew, then maybe I would help you understand.

But I want you to know that even though all may seem gone,
It truly is not.
The world may seem like a maze full of dead ends and torturous nights,
But eventually they will subside and you will know why.

For now, know that the waves will take a while to go back to their normal tide,
And that one day you will open your eyes and see the most beautiful of sights.
I can’t tell you when that will be, and I wish I could.
But for now, I have one thing to say.

Don’t sink.
Endure the weight of the waves and the sand.
Let them make you someone different, but not take away all of you.
Do not sink.
Drew Daniel Young
Written by
Drew Daniel Young  Arkansas.
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