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Mike Hauser
Nov 2017
~Black Friday~
With the turkey out of the way
It's time to do some shop and save
Black Friday...here we go again
I am up at three o'clock
So I'll be at the door on the dot
Shopping like a mad whirlwind
Pulling up to Walmart
Grab myself a fresh shopping cart
For when the doors open up at five
Like a horse out of the gate
Your own fault for being in my way
Just count your blessings that your still alive
Beat the crowds straight to the back
For a little ****** and grab
Gotta have the newest wide screen T.V.
Blue hair had my T.V. in her cart
Took her out with a karate chop
Sorry granny it's either you or me
Next set my sights on this kid
With no clue of what he did
Or how he ended splayed out on the floor
In the remote car shopping isle
And it may take that kid awhile
To remember who, what, when, or what for
I next wildly veer off to the right
For that set of Ginsu knives
That I use to hold back the forming crowd
With it being the only set left
I Samurai it over my head
Which quickly clears out the entire Ginsu isle
With my shopping about done
I sweep shelves into my cart on the run
Figure I can sort it all out later
At times it's hard to pick and choose
With the attitude of I hate to lose
Anyways I figure they owe me for all my labor
When I get to the front of the store
There's bookoo bunches of crowds galore
I've never seen such a long drawn out line
So I clear the path in front of me
Taking people off at the knees
They'll surely think twice the next time
Before getting in my way
And my day of shop and save
Already planning for next year my friend
Satisfied I head for the door
But I tell you not before
I turn and say Happy Holidays and Good Will Towards Men!
Cause that's just the way I am...
Written by
Mike Hauser
Sunny Florida
(Sunny Florida)
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