Warmth passed when the flame was taken from light The chills of quite hours the beat that is communication and song, in sound, my heart.. it's the only voice around that ever speaks to me. My breaths are the only additional voices that I hear That are steady and bright
Blood flows through my veins The draft of the fall weather flows from the cracks in the windows
These things are guaranteed and something you can depend on.. When everyone else seem to be way too important over you Pain remains in the heart....deep stains.
Another year and another lost soul The circle of People's Temporary Presence Like the clock It measures time until the end of the day. A never ending repetitive way like the spinning of the Earth where one stays weak and quiet Years take their toll. Another fork in the road leading to another sunny way.
You have no where to go. If you had a way to get to them or go somewhere Where would one go? When the curtain of the act when you arrive for your part in the play is already at the end of the show.
Walking down highways of travels life's souls... Most you see are able to be together. Like billboards they advertise their wonderful gift of love as you are the loner being advertised a product One you never seem to have the resources to obtain.. such .. in no matter of once thought of successful processes taken to acquire the needed assets.
The products fail to be affordable in stock or available on the selected love's store shelves in what means that are negotiable for purchase from the store's stock or negotiable for sale's ways.
Trust of the system which love or friendship is disbursed is questioned. Limited quantities or lack of credit ..to obtain such Beats your knee caps like the baseball bat of misery Until you need a crutch.
You brave the storms and try again. It is a demonstrator vehicle Which you must return to love's dealership after the timer on the sale's representative's clocks Marks the end of short lived beloved travels Walking, once again, nobody gives you the needed credit because of the fights to survive or the constant fights to prove you are the brighter one From which you've travelled such roads and have been. The way to earn the scores... The fail to measure such.... As a one sided dice Such never offers a game to ever have been a possible win ...seen
The successful love economy brokers tell you how it is done how you must do the steps to earn what you need You sign the contract However, the small type, at the bottom of the now signed pages in the limitation section and exceptions portion of such Prevent you from obtaining the credit to earn that special someone.