I am in love with you, Love. I want so badly to need somebody, To be the somebody that they need. To commit my whole heart to them, and for them to commit their whole heart to me. Too often do I love the idea of a person, Rather than seeing them for who they really are. Love intoxicates and skews my vision. And it tears my heart apart.
Oh, I am indeed in love. Not with him and not with her, But with an idea. The idea of loving someone who is deserving of my heart. The idea of loving so fiercely that our spark will never dwindle I am in love with you, Love.
Too many times do I find myself thinking I'm "in love" with a person when in reality I am in love with just the idea of loving someone. The constant ache for anyone to fill the hole that you feel inside, to seal the cracks in your faltering self worth.