Games are for boys -- I was in the wrong. No other opinion ever matters, and how I know this, it makes me sick Middle of your twenties dedicated to card and computer games, but never once was your attitude cool as you thought it was.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I play for fun. Maybe I'm naive, but I play to feel free.
Games are for boys only -- sometimes for girls who "aren't like other girls" but then look what happens, Mary, you get exposed to **** enough, you'll become an *******.
I want to have fun, but I can barely breathe. You all want to be competitive until you lose in a way you never thought you would, then suddenly the competition's a farce and you're not okay, because of that list you made, the one that has acceptable and unacceptable ways to win and play.
I could be mean if I wanted to, but sometimes the truth does work.
Sometimes the truth does work.
Honey, if you're hurt that you didn't learn what you should learn in kindergarten you are more than welcome to join your toddler friends in the playpen
Hehe. Apologize? Why? I have more fun without you.