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Nov 2017
Let me tell you the tale of the man who walked away.
Where he is today, I really cannot say.
He was a very lucky man, yet he couldn't see
All his potential and who he was meant to be.
Lady Luck would visit - he'd turn his cheek the other way
Stuck in the past or present... he couldn't appreciate today.
He was loved by many, whom always extended a hand.
It was not due to pity, simply hope and love for this man.

One day he met Penny, a lovely beautiful soul
Who instantly went into the depths of what this man beholds.
She wanted him to see his light as easily as she
With experiences and conversations, she dreamed change would be.
Penny was preparing for a journey to spread love via song;
What a perfect thing for this man to tag along!
The man jumped in joy when she shared the idea with him
She thought to herself, Yipee! Let this incredible journey begin.

They climbed through the mountains, singing along the way
Moments of love, laughter, and joy happening every single day.
One day up the mountain, Penny spotted a dark cloud;
So quickly the mans mood turned and he began to scream out loud:
"This is awful! This journey can't go on! I refuse. I refuse. I REFUSE to sing another song!"
Penny stared at the man in shock and horror
she turned and said, "it is only a rain cloud, for sure it'll be gone tomorrow"
The man carried on making a scene; Penny found shelter and built a fire nonchalantly.
When the man grew tired from throwing his private show,
He stumbled into the cave and curled into a ball by the door.

The next day they rose, the man said nothing of the night before
When Penny made mention he shot a look that said his thoughts he would not pour.
Penny grew nervous, this was a side she had never known, but,
She knew the journey must go on;perhaps through that night .. He had grown.

Further on they journeyed into the open desert sun;
"No worries here" thought Penny... No clouds, no rain, just spread love and run.
The man asked for a cookie; Penny shared there were none.
The reaction made Penny thank god he didn't have a gun.
"What do you mean we don't have any!? How stupid could you be!?
To not know I would want one... Do you ever think of me!?"
The man began to sob, he fell to be floor and became a crying blob.
Penny was perplexed, she didn't know what to do.
" is only a sweet treat, why are you so blue!?"

This was enough to snap the man to his feet.
He wiped the tears, puffed out his chest...he wasn't ready for defeat.
"You know what Penny, you just don't understand.
You have no idea what it is like to be a traveling man.
No one gets me, and they never will.
Thanks for your time, I'm Also leaving you with the bill.
I know you have fed me, sheltered me too. You build a nice fire and kindly directed me on what to do.
But it is not enough, you don't get what I need.
So I'm gonna go...don't be like the last one and plead"

Penny stood blank with a punch to the heart.
She opened her mouth but didn't know where to start.
From the day she met him, all she did was love and help
And now here is this man screaming and crying a step away from a yelp
She watched him pack while being very emotional-
So many thoughts and feelings none of which could take their toll
He began to walk away from Penny, finally she found words to say
"Where are you going? It's just been a bad day!"
"You know what Penny, I don't care and to be honest, I never did.
From this point on, in your mind...write me off as dead".
With these words Penny could feel tears come to her eyes.
She couldn't understand this harsh and sudden goodbye.

The man continued walking, erasing his path along the way
He burnt all the bridges they had built together since that May.
Penny carried on singing songs of love;
The man continued walking; his soul never full, seeking more from up above.
You can ask her about the walking man,
She will share all the good about him that she can.
She doesn't know where he went, or what he went to see...
But she does hope his time was spent becoming who he is meant to be.

No one knows where the man who walks away is,
But we guess he is alone.
Since he walks away from those who help build a home.
Written by
kelly kay keefe
       Atoosa, harlon rivers and Toriana
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