I don't think about the leaves or I guess I do but I try to not think about them too often I don't really think about you either or when I do, I don't see your face I don't feel your body I don't even smell you
I think about the way the world looked, 1,200 miles above ground the cloudless sky You looked at me like it was hilarious I was a cat in water wanting you to hold me but you peeled my arms off of you slowly how you walked away when I tried to order the coffee as the plane was boarding I don't see your eyes Your hands don't wrap around my waist in my memories I don't think they really ever did, did they?
I think about how she must feel lying next to you how similar the side of bed is to the cold vacant moments when you turn the light off, sigh and push the pillows under your head the distance it's gaping I still feel it, a mile and a half away in the dark your back stands out She'll spend years chasing nothing
I think about how he made me laugh he found this eruption of giggles and ripped it out of me until I couldn't stop the bed shook in this rhythmic pattern and I could just lie there knowing at least he wanted me at least he knew how to stop time at least he understood each line unlike you did I think about the compromises I made to be seen after you
the times I turned away from lashings because at least I can remember the color of his eyes when he looked at me at least I can place exactly where his hands laid on my side at least he knows my favorite line of every song
he knew how to pull the world into the slow melancholic better than you ever could have, how my heels turned toward him when the buzzing of street lights didn't distract me his hands could at least slide up grip into anything and I didn't have to beg
I didn't have to beg
even when I knew, it was wrong
he could quote back the words to me the moments we shared held purpose made me feel like this where I could belong.
This isn't what i wanted it to be but I'm going through all of it.