I see your name everywhere in books on television screens in user names on Facebook posts
I hear it in advertisements for ******* toilet paper I hear it on the street from a random passerby some happen to have your name a lot of people happen to have your name your name isn't popular not overall though in this country it's fallen on sharp decline since its inception I read it on a graph...out of curiosity
your name is imprinted in my mind i've said it so much, i've written it so much it's automatically a suggestion on my phone whenever I compose a message, there's your name whenever I go to sleep, there's your name floating viscerally in the darkness flickering behind my eyelids flickering in the inky nothingness
I know the shape of it in my mouth I know the feel of it behind my teeth on the roof of my mouth in my throat * i've shouted it to you i've moaned it to you i've screamed it to you i've screamed it raw and wild into the air i've screamed it into pillows your pillows hotel pillows my pillows
your name imprinted on fabric imprinted on air imprinted behind my eyelids
your name appearing everywhere appearing cosmically appearing universally i ******* hate it i ******* love you i ******* hate your name your name fracturing my everything
That stage...when the name is everywhere, when the name haunts you, the sound, the spelling, someone else saying it, you saying it...