For each of the numbers printed on her face, I counted each of them for every second that passed. Three long arms that reached around eclipsing themselves. One painted red in reflection of how fast my heart would beat. Counting each mark that filled the gap of each bold number. Counting down from the twelve o'clock hour. Reaching twelve again. I fell in love. A continuing loop of numbers falling face forward then back around. Seeing everything that I may have missed the first time around. The sights already seen becoming more precious. Both of us together, close as breath. AΒ plastic case protecting us from hesitation, how long it would take to pass again. The revolution of seconds it would take, orbiting my world for the millionth first time. I didn't care that she painted her stars black and an infinite space around white. For the first time this would be the closest that I would ever come to the ethereal experience that I'd feel to be eternity. For the millionth first time