I can hear the river's current From where I'm seated And I can hear the ******* music Playing some few blocks away The night has its ways Of not giving you peace Whenever you need it
The plants flow down the river to receive their dark embrace, And it fills me with envy because they recieve nightly What I have always asked for
Life, to me, is torture A there and back again adventure Of misfortune and self-doubt And I choose not to live a life like this But it is given to me against my will
I wish God were real so I could have someone to blame Unfortunately, I can only blame myself For all the shortcomings, Anxiety, Doubts, And **** luck
All I can do is self-medicate With things that are not medicine Things that do not cure But things that delay And delay And delay Like AIDS and ****** Except it isn't
I want to be freed from this life This there and back again adventure Of misfortune and self-doubt
Maybe one day I'll flow down life like the plants on the river And receive the dark embrace That I've always wanted