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Oct 2017
Once, a long long time ago
I was free and pure and of the light
Not a care to disturb my little mind
All puzzles and love and mystery
But now my mind has fallen ill
Corrupted by lies and vanity
Is no one left to save me still?
I, a fallen angel

Once I tried to tell them all
Tell them what they had become
To solve the dreadful wretched puzzle
Of broken dreams and selfish hate
Oh I gave up long ago
To save the hateful writhing mass
Of idiocy and ignorance
Where death befalls us all at last
Is no one left to save them still?
Not I, a fallen angel

Yet there is one who saves us all
He finds us where the shadows call
And in our deepest darkest night
He takes our hands and leads us home
My God is left to save me still
I, a fallen angel
Kas Ryzhanov
Written by
Kas Ryzhanov  16/F
   Em MacKenzie
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