I think it’s the Sundays that hit me the hardest Coming down from the high of the weekend only to realize Oh. Right. I have school tomorrow.
And don’t tell me to get over myself That I’m just “Overflowing with hormones” And “School isn’t that bad, You just feel the way you do because you’re a teenager”
I mean, I’m sure that’s part of it, But really Who wants to go to a place where they feel stupid and ******, Overwhelmed and helpless All the ******* time
School isn’t really even about learning anymore, The average student doesn’t retain the information, We just cram it into our heads day after day until that glorious time of the year comes-- Summer And then we forget
But on these tense Sunday evenings, When i feel the weight of everyone’s crushing expectations of me, How i should be, What i should be doing, What i could be doing RIGHT NOW OVER AND OVER AGAIN I just feel like going to my room to cry