My whole life I've always been the side character And in most of my friendships have been terrible Mostly because the out of the few a few have been just horrible to me But even along with that I've always just been the side kick I've always been so and so's best friend That's all I've always been Every time someone greeted me and I said my name I got "Oh, name's friend." I felt very small, but I was comfortable Because it was all I had ever known I always knew to keep my opinions quiet so I wouldn't lose them I always knew to just listen in on conversations And I always knew to smile whenever I was called the side kick So when my best friend of 7 years moved away And I had no friends whatsover It was weird just being called Hannah It was terrifying not having friends but it was liberating to be me It was liberating to be recognized as a human and not as an accessory And it was then that I realized I was always a side character In my own life i was playing the **** side character And I also realized I loved being the lead I now make it a point to be equals in all relationships With friends, partners, and all people Because I know how horrible it is to be belittled And I want all people to realize how amazing the main stage is
Friendships sorta ****. But I sorta always felt this way. I dont know why i connected it to theatre but i did. I don't know. It works though.