The light awoke gracefully as it gently rose up so pure, and so beautifully bright from behind the calming blue horizon. Grand and vast in its presence. It was a sight to behold, that could heal the darkest of days.
She could feel it from behind as she walked, warming her swollen mind. And she knew that all she had to do was to turn To let go reach out and let it engulf her. Saturate. To enter deep inside her worn out body and wrap itself lovingly, around her torn soul.
She new that in its brilliance, deep within it's warm and loving beams It could heal her.
But the enduring familiarity of the darkness, was calling to her yet again. It's voice masked with a calming lure that had for many lives, led to a false feeling of safety within its carnivorous, colossal walls. An imprisonment that made promises with no intent to commit.
Light has always prevailed over darkness. But when darkness bleeds inside a vessel with a heart and mind as strong as she possessed, light has to work a lifetime harder Indurate this troublesome being.
Within her shattered trust, she struggles to believe that the light is forceful enough. As darkness rubs its beastly hands, in its vast approaching victory.
Once again she is still The light willing her to one side, and darkness enticing her to the other. Heart fighting over mind. Angels fighting with the fallen. Tears escaping within the struggle.